Expect Miracles series

by Lynn U Stewart

With 6 million, 355 people living in Bangkok, finding the same taxi twice is almost impossible. Once a taxi has left it is absorbed into a sea of traffic.

We had a tasty dinner at Rasayana*, a raw food restaurant in the heart of Bangkok. Being off the beaten track, it took the four of us, Michael, Chérie, René and me a while to even locate a taxi… but we finally found one to take us to the nearest MRT – the Thai underground train system. It had been a special evening with gourmet bits and bites of vegetarian specialties, lots of acknowledgements and we were all more than satisfied.

We exited the taxi and walked toward the MRT entrance; René turned to me in panic: “My blue bag is gone!” He was in total upset with the thought of losing his passport, cash, credit cards, and his boarding pass for the next morning. Chérie ushered us off to the side of the street out of the major pedestrian traffic and Michael proclaimed, “I am on it!” He streaked out of site, running after the vanished cab.

René had a “negattack” as he recounted how the incident happened. Chérie stood on the corner and I asked René to trust, “If it can be found Michael will bring it back. “

This calamity lasted about two minutes. René pulled himself out of the anxiety zone and moved into trust, I actively prayed for a miracle while Michael disappeared into the sea of traffic.

All of a sudden out of the crowd emerged Michael with the blue bag in hand. He had run down the street looking for the cab. After the second street, he got a message, turned around, took a hard right onto a side street and saw a parked cab. Without a thought Michael ran up to the window and insisted that the driver open the window and give him the bag that was sitting on the seat. Michael gave him a generous tip for his honesty and the recovery and ran back to be with all three of us… who were intending for a miracle.

René, thunderstruck with what had just happened, was overwhelmed with gratitude, not to mention amazement. The calamity was over and the impending doom had lifted, the precious bag was miraculously returned!

Overwhelmed with delight the thought of gifting Michael was the next desire that came to mind…René asked Michael if he could give him a new pair of running shoes that Michael had been wearing to retrieve the bag.

The men have a plan to go shopping for new running shoes that will assist Michael in making the seemingly impossible happen.

Is there an impossible situation in your life? Are you convinced that something is lost forever? A change in attitude can make the impossible possible!

However, we had to be believers to allow the universe to deliver the now famous, blue bag.

Visit Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott’s website
Visit Michael Pomije’s website
*Visit Rasayana Retreat website